5 Natural Cures for Dogs with Bad Breath

As you are probably well aware, most dogs have bad breath. What you might not know is that more than 80% of all dogs over the age of three have some form of gum disease which is the biggest reason why dogs have bad breath. If every time smelling your pup’s mouth makes you gag, you might want to consider taking them to the vet to get a teeth cleaning.

Besides brushing your dog’s teeth, what else can you do to help with your pup’s smelly breath? Well, here are some natural foods to freshen up their mouth and boost their health. Please note that whenever you make changes or adjustments to your dog’s diet, speak with your veterinarian beforehand.


Yes, your dog can eat cinnamon, but only in small quantities. A natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial food, it’s a great option for fighting the bacteria in your pup’s mouth and freshening their breath.

It’s important when selecting your cinnamon that you choose the right kind. There are lots of different types of Cinnamon, but you’ll most frequently see Ceylon and Cassia. You’ll find Cassia more frequently in stores but the type you want for your dog is Ceylon. It has less of the natural compound courmarin which is toxic for dogs. Also, avoid the essential oil or stick form. The oil can be too potent and the stick can harm your pup’s mouth.

The dosage really depends on the size of your dog, but the maximum should be about ½ teaspoon per day. To keep your pup from inhaling the powder, you might want to try mixing coconut oil in with the cinnamon and kibble.


I was surprised to discover Dill can be fed to your dog. A member of the parsley family, dill is non toxic for canines and a great option for keeping their breath nice and fresh. They also pack a punch when it comes to vitamins and minerals including Vitamins A, C, and trace amounts of Zinc, Calcium, Iron, and a host of others.

Both the seeds and leaves can be fed to your pooch. You can use a mortar and pestle to crush the seeds and add them to your dog’s food. Depending on the size and weight of your pup, don’t feed your dog anymore than one tablespoon a day.


Fennel is another excellent option for helping your pup’s bad breath. Not only that, but the plant is known for aiding gastrointestinal problems and being antibacterial. You’ll find quite a few dog foods contain fennel due to its nutritious nature.

Having a taste similar to licorice, fennel is a good alternative for pups who don’t like mint. In rare circumstances, your dog may develop an allergic reaction to the vegetable so be careful before trying it out. You can make a tea out of the plant and add it to your dog’s water or sprinkle the seeds in with their food.

With any introduction of food to your dog’s diet, less is always more. You’ll know if you’re feeding too much if your dog starts experiencing diarrhea. If that’s the case, stop use immediately and contact your veterinarian.


Not only will mint sweeten your dog’s breath, but will also provide important nutrients and fiber for their digestive health. Mint comes in many varieties and most are edible for your pooch. The only type you want to watch out for is Pennyroyal which is toxic for canines.

Only a few leaves are really necessary for your dog. Too much is not good for their system.


The last natural food cure for dog breath on this list is Parsley. Parsley is an excellent option for your dog’s bad breath and contains a lot of health benefits. Another antioxidant, this plant helps maintain strong bones and contains Vitamins C, A, and K. It’s an easy ingredient to find at the store and comes at a relatively cheap price.


We hope you find this list helpful in boosting your pup’s oral health. There are a lot of plants and herbs that are great for dogs. Not only that, they’re great for people too! You might also want to give carrots, apples, or celery a try in helping your dog’s breath. Just remember that when feeding your dog anything new, talk with your veterinarian first.