6 Ways to Help a Bored Dog

Once upon a time, in a past life, I volunteered at our local aquarium here in Utah (the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium in Draper, Utah). One of the things we stressed at our aquarium was “Enrichment.” Enrichment with animals is anything that keeps up their mental or physical stimulation. When not given the proper enrichment, […]

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

Does your dog seem to constantly nibble at the grass like he’s channeling the spirit of a goat every other week? Are you finding grass and spit-up in the fur around your dog’s mouth? I feel like I am constantly cleaning the grass out of my little schnauzer’s beard. When this first happened, I remember […]

Understanding Your Dog’s Body Language

Have you ever looked into your pup’s loving eyes and wondered what they could be thinking? It’s interesting that after thousands of years of domestication, scientists are still puzzling over exactly how a dog’s brain works and how they’re so good at picking up on our moods. Although we haven’t solved all the mysteries of […]

Positive Dog Training Vs Punishment Training

The world of dog training is full of differing opinions when it comes to teaching and disciplining your pup. You’ll find some people who follow the old school methods of dog training including the use of intimidation, pain, and fear to coerce their dog to obey. Many believe that because the dog descended from a […]

Should You Crate Train Your Dog?

If you’re looking to start a heated discussion, at least in the canine community, try bringing up the topic of crating your pup the next time you’re among friends. You may find some individuals to be appalled by the idea, while others are all for crating your dog for training purposes. Some state it’s an […]